Saturday, November 2, 2013


My friends are very different. Take my friends Ian and Joe for example. Joe loves his feels, Free! (anime), and traps (do not want to explain). Then there's my friend Ian who loves Pokémon, rap songs, and loves Lucky Star(anime). The two are completely different, but still we get along amazingly well. Then it becomes quite interesting with my friend Nelson, who is rather quiet and not very outspoken, but somehow I was able to befriend this silent being. There is of course Andrew who loves pretending to insult me, which I'm not to sure if he's just being a bully or not, but outside of this randomness we get along decently. Oh yes there is of course my friend Jason is very loud, sometimes very stupid, but most of the time he's a entertaining friend to hang out with. I on the other hand is somewhere between being quiet and being loud, I love my Legend of Zelda, and am sometimes pretty stupid. Friends are different, but that doesn't mean that because they are different, we can't be friends just look at us, an awkward group that is "derpy," but are still able to get along.

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