Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I just got the new pokemon game. Damn is it addicting I really can't put it down. I have to figure out something soon because I have school work to do. School work over gaming of course, always. The game is absolutely amazing, with a graphics update that makes more use of textures rather than sprites and pixels. Battle animations look absolutely amazing compared to previous games. There are plenty of new gameplay elements as well as cpu interactions. The storyline is intriguing which I love in a good game and the gameplay is smooth, well this really doesn't say much since it's more of a turn based strategy game rather than a fast paced action game. Nintendo is working hard and this game shows how they are graphically behind other game companies, noting that they still used the primitive cell shading, which I love, but compared to an xbox360, xbox1, ps3 or ps4 I'd rather play with a nintendo console.

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