Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Are we unable to see this in people, because we see ourselves as the best kind of race compared to all the other organisms that exist. We are weak as in we are fragile both physically and internally. If we're so powerful why is physical injury inevitable when physical pain is inflicted upon us. Internally people breakdown when in stressful or depressing situations. The human race powerful, "ha" don't make me laugh. Ugly, of course, who cares about how we're seen on the outside look at how people are on the inside. I could be out in the public and I can hear people talk about how stupid another person is or how much of a dumbass that other person is. I don't give a shit about what people look on the outside, but looking at them from they're communicating I can see how ugly the human race can be on the inside. This is why I am in no mood to socialize with other people, even my friends very rarely talk about how they've met with a person that was giving them some kind of trouble and they endlessly talk shit about the person where it get's to the point where I just don't care anymore. I hate talking about other people, because I don't care how a person is an asshole to you nor do I care how much that person is giving you trouble because you may never ever see them ever again in your life. Lastly without a doubt the human race is jealous and definitely hates people who have more in anything than the other person. Oh you say people are able to withhold their greed, then why is stealing such a large crime, because people aren't jealous? People are jealous they want something they steal it simple as that. It doesn't even end with just material objects. There are people who want power and they have to follow the orders of that person in power. Well may as well kill them because they can't stand it anymore. So, what this is how people show that they aren't jealous and we're all kind hearted souls? The human race is a stack of insolent people put together on this world, put together in order to suffer even the ones who are kind hearted have to deal with these nimrods. In this world kindness does not spread, evil and bad merits spread much easily and much quicker throughout the human population.
Humanity where everyone wants to fit into society just like everyone else. Why are we so desperately in need to fit in with other humans? I myself move on with life slowly, steadily, and in solitary. People are in so much need of being able to fit into society. Then people like me are either pushed away from society and looked upon weird for not wanting to fit into the lifestyle of the "average." Not even my parents want me to be in solitude saying that one day I'll need someone and that I have to be like everyone else in this society. Who cares about what people think of you? There is no need to fit in with everyone else and be socially active doing what everyone else is doing. Yet, people who like being in solitude are looked down upon as weird and creepy. Even my parents think I'm either going to commit suicide one day, or become a serial killer. I just don't understand why are we seen like this, I will not be doing either so readers don't worry. So I ask my parents why they think of me this way and the response was because they see it in movies and television shows. Even the media are trying to give people this idea that being alone is the worst thing in the world and everyone should blend in with the social society. Either way I don't care what people think about me so forget it I could care less about this subject.
Yes everyone has someone they look up to, maybe even jealous about the success of another person. Why are you going to just sit there and complain, do you think success is just going to walk into you? Another way that the human race is stupid. People are too lazy to work and are jealous of people who work and succeed, not including the ones who are successful from doing nothing they are but less than.1% of the world's population. These people all they can do is sit and complain that they are unable to do the work necessary to acquire the successful lifestyle that the people the mourn about have. Let's take a look at school, you don't put in work and you want a good grade? Plenty of this happened in my high school where people decided to report the teacher for not being a good teacher because they couldn't sleep in class and get an A. The human species are definitely not advanced to other organisms look how stupidly we act.


I could care less about what everyone believes, if your nice I'm nice to you simple as that. Regardless I don't feel the need for a religion, I don't need someone to explain the world for me. Especially not with historic events that are extremely hard to prove that it's true. Why is there that need to belief something that's already quite hard to explain yet for quite a lot of people is absolutely necessary for them to have a point in living. I don't have a point in living except to survive simple as that. We live to survive, not the greatest reason to live, but what more is expected when there are 7 billion other people you live on the planet with. I suppose that is why people need a reason to live knowing how completely insignificant they are compared to the other 6,999,999,999 they share the Earth with.


When people run into an obstacle or something just gives them a ton of stress, they do jump to conclusions. Why are people so stupid in this way, I just can't understand what they can achieve through this? Does it help them cope with their stress by coming up with conclusions to have something to blame. Is blaming someone or something that necessary every time something causes pain. As for myself I just stay on my path of worrying about nothing, the more you worry the more problematic the world becomes. Life is truly hard, I cope with it through worrying about nothing, yet so many just have to come up with a conclusion that would lead to the blaming of someone or something other than themselves.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

True every problem has a solution, from life situations to your academic work. So why does it always seem like we humans run into a problem we cannot solve? Most of us humans are too lazy to think for ourselves always depending on the needs of others, because we don't have that "skill" when quite obviously you just need to learn it. The amount of stupidity and laziness inside a human is much more than any other organism we've encountered so far. Yes, yes we all have some talent or skill in a certain category, but I thought humans are supposed to be curious, so shouldn't we work on learning new skills necessary to solve the problem we have? Yes every problem has a solution, but not everyone can find the solution to that problem.
With the world population of almost 7 billion how significant is our existence? You are one person out of 7 billion others on this planet and by following social norms what is there to achieve that would make you significant. If we think about it what significance do we have on this Earth compared to the other 7 billion people. We already do what plenty of other people do in the United States, going to school. Look at all these people going to college, going to work just like you. Then we all come home relax a little bit do some work and then we wake up doing the same thing the next morning. We all are really insignificant beings on this world. We just live and die, no accomplishments nor impacts in society, we're just there keeping the human population alive.