Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Humanity where everyone wants to fit into society just like everyone else. Why are we so desperately in need to fit in with other humans? I myself move on with life slowly, steadily, and in solitary. People are in so much need of being able to fit into society. Then people like me are either pushed away from society and looked upon weird for not wanting to fit into the lifestyle of the "average." Not even my parents want me to be in solitude saying that one day I'll need someone and that I have to be like everyone else in this society. Who cares about what people think of you? There is no need to fit in with everyone else and be socially active doing what everyone else is doing. Yet, people who like being in solitude are looked down upon as weird and creepy. Even my parents think I'm either going to commit suicide one day, or become a serial killer. I just don't understand why are we seen like this, I will not be doing either so readers don't worry. So I ask my parents why they think of me this way and the response was because they see it in movies and television shows. Even the media are trying to give people this idea that being alone is the worst thing in the world and everyone should blend in with the social society. Either way I don't care what people think about me so forget it I could care less about this subject.

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