Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Are we unable to see this in people, because we see ourselves as the best kind of race compared to all the other organisms that exist. We are weak as in we are fragile both physically and internally. If we're so powerful why is physical injury inevitable when physical pain is inflicted upon us. Internally people breakdown when in stressful or depressing situations. The human race powerful, "ha" don't make me laugh. Ugly, of course, who cares about how we're seen on the outside look at how people are on the inside. I could be out in the public and I can hear people talk about how stupid another person is or how much of a dumbass that other person is. I don't give a shit about what people look on the outside, but looking at them from they're communicating I can see how ugly the human race can be on the inside. This is why I am in no mood to socialize with other people, even my friends very rarely talk about how they've met with a person that was giving them some kind of trouble and they endlessly talk shit about the person where it get's to the point where I just don't care anymore. I hate talking about other people, because I don't care how a person is an asshole to you nor do I care how much that person is giving you trouble because you may never ever see them ever again in your life. Lastly without a doubt the human race is jealous and definitely hates people who have more in anything than the other person. Oh you say people are able to withhold their greed, then why is stealing such a large crime, because people aren't jealous? People are jealous they want something they steal it simple as that. It doesn't even end with just material objects. There are people who want power and they have to follow the orders of that person in power. Well may as well kill them because they can't stand it anymore. So, what this is how people show that they aren't jealous and we're all kind hearted souls? The human race is a stack of insolent people put together on this world, put together in order to suffer even the ones who are kind hearted have to deal with these nimrods. In this world kindness does not spread, evil and bad merits spread much easily and much quicker throughout the human population.

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